Farmer Cline & Campbell PLLC Injury Lawyers

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How To Get The Highest Settlement Or Verdict From A Personal Injury Lawsuit

Since most accident and injury cases are settled through the involved insurance companies, many are unaware that other options may be available when negligence results in life-changing injuries. If an insurance company fails to make things right, you may have grounds for a personal injury lawsuit to get the financial compensation you deserve.

At Farmer, Cline & Campbell, PLLC, we represent West Virginia residents in a range of personal injury cases, providing services from our Charleston, Beckley and Morgantown offices. We understand what it takes to achieve success in litigation and can guide you through the process with confidence.

Who Can File A Personal Injury Lawsuit?

Some states follow no-fault insurance laws that limit the rights of the injured to file a lawsuit. West Virginia is an at-fault state, meaning that the person who caused your injuries is responsible for your losses.

At-fault parties can meet their obligations through their insurance policy, but what if the proposed settlement does not compensate you appropriately? Under state law, you have the right to file a personal injury lawsuit, but must do so within two years of the incident or accident.

Steps Needed To Maximize Your Verdict Or Settlement

You can rest easy knowing your counsel will work hard to help you obtain the highest settlement possible. However, you can do several things on your end to improve your odds:

  • Seek immediate medical treatment to establish proof of injuries.
  • Contact an experienced personal injury attorney right away to explore your options and get representation.
  • Comply with all the medical orders your injury treatment team provides, and always keep your follow-up appointments.
  • Do not speak with insurance representatives or give written or recorded statements. Beyond the statement to the police, do not talk to anybody about the accident.

At Farmer, Cline & Campbell, PLLC, we can recommend additional steps unique to your circumstances after a thorough review of your case.

Tell Your Story At No Cost

At Farmer, Cline & Campbell, PLLC, our team stands ready to put our dedication and experience to work for you. Call us today at 866-587-0167 or start the conversation online to talk about your injury case – at no cost to you – with a dedicated lawyer.

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