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Traumatic brain injury symptoms and treatments

On Behalf of | Jan 9, 2020 | Brain Injury |

An average of 138 people die every day from injuries to the brain in West Virginia and across the U.S. Traumatic brain injuries can occur through a blow or jolt to the head or by an object penetrating into the brain. The important point is that TBIs interfere with normal brain function and that those who survive one can be left dealing with long-term symptoms.

TBIs can be the result of falls; motor vehicle accidents; incidents during a game of contact sports, such as football; explosions, whether at a factory or in a combat zone; and assault, whether at the hands of a co-worker or a spouse. The symptoms of a TBI include severe headaches, weakness in the extremities, numbness, dizziness, nausea, slurred speech and even loss of consciousness. They oftentimes do not appear at once.

In any event, victims are encouraged to see a doctor right away. Doctors can discover a TBI through imaging tests like MRIs and CT scans, and they can determine the severity of a TBI by seeing how well patients follow out simple directions and evaluating that performance according to what’s called the Glasgow Coma Scale.

TBI victims may need to undergo physical therapy and speech therapy. They may also require over-the-counter pain medications or, in serious cases, anti-seizure drugs.

When someone incurs brain damage in an accident for which he or she was not to blame, then that person may file a claim against the responsible party. The family might file if the victim’s condition makes him or her unable to do so. In either case, it may be wise to hire a lawyer. Legal representation might make it easier to strive for a settlement out of court. If one cannot be achieved, the lawyer may prepare the case for litigation.