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TBIs: different types and treatments

On Behalf of | Feb 5, 2020 | Brain Injury |

Brain injuries that disrupt normal brain functions are called traumatic brain injuries, and they can be caused when the brain receives a blow, is jolted around or is penetrated. West Virginia residents who know someone who has incurred a TBI should know about the different types and degrees of TBI.

For example, there are mild TBIs, also known as concussions. Contusions are bruises, and bruised brain tissues can mix with blood released from hematoma, or localized bleeding outside of a blood vessel. Penetration injuries, such as the piercing of the brain by part of a fractured skull, can also cause a TBI. Many of these can be fatal. Thirty percent of all injury-related deaths involve a brain injury.

CT scans can detect hematoma, contusions, fractures, swelling and other signs of a TBI. Treatments for TBI can be varied. Some may require surgery followed by acute rehabilitative care. This rehab would be provided by a multi-disciplinary team of physicians, speech therapists, occupational therapists and other specialists.

TBIs can leave victims dealing with long-term effects, which means that the family of injured workers, for instance, may need to adjust to new ways of life along with the victims themselves. Brain injury support groups do exist, though these may not be helpful until families have adjusted a little to the changes.

Those who incur a head injury through the fault of another, such as through the negligent actions of a driver or a property owner, may be financially compensated. Victims, or their families, may want to speak with a lawyer about how personal injury law will impact their case. The lawyer might bring in investigators and other third parties to establish the defendant’s guilt before going on to negotiations. If successful, victims may be reimbursed for medical expenses, lost wages and more.