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Roundabouts are safer than intersections

On Behalf of | Oct 22, 2019 | Car Accidents |

Roundabouts are relatively rare in West Virginia and across the United States, which means that many American drivers still find them confusing. However, statistics show that they are much safer than four-way stops.

Roundabouts, also known as traffic circles, require approaching drivers to slow down and yield to vehicles that are already in the circle, which reduces the chances of head-on and T-bone collisions. This sort of traffic management technique is common in the United Kingdom, but only a few American cities have embraced the concept. One such town, Carmel, Indiana, has installed 126 roundabouts since 1996. As a result, injury accidents have decreased by 75% at intersections with roundabouts. In addition, property damage accidents at roundabouts have decreased by 40%.

Other U.S. communities that use roundabouts have experienced similar results according to the Federal Highway Administration and the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety. For example, intersections with roundabouts experience a 37% decrease in total crashes when compared to traditional intersections with stop signs or stop lights. In addition, roundabout intersections see a 75% drop in injury crashes, a 90% drop in fatal crashes and a 40% decline in pedestrian collisions. Federal statistics show that over 10,000 people were killed at U.S. intersections in 2018.

Intersection auto accidents are frequently caused by negligent drivers, including those who are distracted, speeding or impaired. Individuals who have been injured in an intersection crash might have grounds to file a personal injury lawsuit seeking compensation for their losses. This may result in a settlement that covers a victim’s medical expenses, rehabilitation bills, pain and suffering, lost wages, property damage and other crash-related losses. An attorney may evaluate a victim’s case and recommend an appropriate legal response.