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Pupillary system useful for detecting mild traumatic brain injury

On Behalf of | Dec 6, 2017 | Brain Injury |

When people in West Virginia experience blows to the head, the medical community strives to detect and monitor the extent of their brain injuries. The pupillary system within people’s eyes presents physicians with a noninvasive method for diagnosing and monitoring mild traumatic brain injuries. Unfortunately, pupillometers that measure minute changes in pupil reactions to light are expensive, and emergency room physicians lack access to a handheld version that could allow brain injuries to be detected as soon as possible.

Pupillometers can detect changes in the size and speed of pupillary responses to light that are associated with mild brain trauma patients. Photosensitivity is a common symptom that arises among people with head injuries. The precise measurements of the pupillometer allow medical practitioners to document the presence of the condition.

The data gained from these measurements could allow physicians to understand the seriousness of a concussion or other brain trauma. Physicians could potentially diagnose problems among neurophysiological linkages and develop a prognosis. They might determine when someone is sufficiently recovered to return to work or other normal activities or when further treatment is needed.

Symptoms of brain injuries sometimes take days, weeks or even months to arise. Because of the possibility of delayed brain damage, a person might not immediately be aware of the need to pursue a personal injury claim immediately after an accident. When someone needs help documenting the connection between a car accident caused by a reckless driver and emerging symptoms, an attorney could organize medical records and seek testimony from independent physicians to prepare a lawsuit. An attorney might cite this evidence during negotiations with an insurance adjuster to justify a settlement that compensates the victim for long-term disability.