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How CT scans can help diagnose brain injuries

On Behalf of | Oct 5, 2017 | Brain Injury |

West Virginia residents who experience brain injuries could suffer both short and long-term impacts. Changes in mood, mental impairment and sensitivity to light are among the symptoms that may be experienced after a head injury. In many cases, doctors use CT scans to take a look at a patient’s brain and diagnose an injured person. There are four main types of CT scans, and researchers at an English university have analyzed their effectiveness.

Researchers found that the Stockholm and Helsinki models were better when it came to making predictions than the Marshall and Rotterdam versions. The ability to score various CT scans may help doctors and others help patients achieve better outcomes. This is because they may have a better idea of what to look for and how to allocate resources when it comes to treating those with brain injuries.

If an individual suffers a head injury, it may result in long-term and persistent symptoms. Some may be obvious such as headaches or nausea while others may be more subtle such as changes in mood and personality. Those who are injured in an accident that they did not cause may be entitled to compensation for their injuries. Compensation may help to pay medical bills, make up for lost wages or make it easier to modify a home or car if necessary.

An attorney may be able to help find evidence that negligence played a role in causing an accident. For instance, it may be possible to use witness statements or physical evidence from a crash scene to show that another motorist was talking on a phone before a car crash. Depending on the circumstances surrounding the accident, it may be possible to settle outside of court instead of going to trial.